Interested in helping out? You’ve come to the right place! Simply make one of these modules (we’re looking for about ten) to go in the Death Star Trench.
There are a couple of rules you’ll need to follow, but we can help with some of it!
- Use scenes from A New Hope to inspire you, we’re talking about the Death Star I here, folks.
- All the non-red elements in the drawing must be that color. Anything that is red in the drawing is at your discretion.
- The module must fit entirely on a 16×32 baseplate (provided).
- The module must use 10 of the trans-clear 1x6x5 wall elements (provided) as shown.
- The top needs to be completely open, to let light in. We may also use some additional lighting across the top of each module.
- If you’d like anything backlit, (like a computer display or something like that) let me know, we have options. You need to plan on inserting the light from the outside of the module…

Click to download LDD File.