Site Updates
Authentication: Recently, the old plugin that I was using for OpenID authentication stopped working, so I had to switch to a plugin offered by oneall
Authentication: Recently, the old plugin that I was using for OpenID authentication stopped working, so I had to switch to a plugin offered by oneall
Merry Christmas fellow I LUG NYers. Hope your holiday is filled with family, friends, cheer and good health. Oh yeah, and LEGO too! For those
Jan 21 Queens Center Mall-cancelled due to snowstorm Feb 4 -Brett’s Studio Feb 18 -Queens LEGO Store Mar 18 -Javits Center for FLL Tournament Apr
A total of seven models (not including the trans-clear base) are in place at the Rockefeller Center Lego store in Manhattan, made by newest I
On November 17th, Brian, Rick and I changed out models in both the Roosevelt Field and Queens stores. First up, the CC-Standard Modular buildings by
N.Y. / Region ARTS | CONNECTICUT Small Wonders, Made by Hand Lego enthusiasts led by Bill Probert created the bustling town now on display at
December meeting / Christmas Party – Brian and Rick were at the Stamford Museum and Nature Center this weekend and we discussed the possibility of a
This Weekend, November 19th and 20th are two LEGO events in Connecticut. BLOCKS of LOVE – Saturday, Nov 19th, 2011 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Update: I’ve finally gotten around to making this time lapse video of us setting up on Saturday. Next time I’ll need to bring an external
Meeting at noon in the LEGO store. View Larger Map