The Hauppauge Public Library held its first all-day Comic Con-style event on 10/05/2024. ILUGNY played a central role, providing a display of many MOCs (My Own Creations) across 6 conference tables, and a Speed Build for children and their families. The latter was directed by Damian M. and Bill M., with several others helping along the way. ILUGNY members brought new and continuing builds:

A portion of the ILUGNY display. Members shown behind the table, from L to R: Bill M., Eyal S., Jason K., Jason P., Sal G., John K., Brian W. Far Right: Damian M. Members not pictured: Jonathan G., Nicholas G., David V., and Elisa T.

Another portion of the display, from front to back: Minifigs by Bill M., “Iron House” build by David V., and mosaic, “Ancient Roman Heart” by Elisa T.

Full view of David V.’s “Iron House.” Background provided by photographer.

Another view of the display, from L to R: Jason K. and his Great Ball Contraption; Medieval village and Castle by Eyal S.; in front of Eyal’s village are micro-scale castles built by John K. ; and a portion of Jason P.’s Spaceport with a small bit of Brian W.’s alien landscape.

A view of Jason K’s Great Ball Contraption

Aerial view of Eyal S.’s medieval village and castle

Close-up view of detail, Eyal’s medieval village

From front to back: Mario Brothers mosaics and builds by Jonathan G., Fast Food Alley by John K., and Spaceport with ships by Jason P.

From front to back: Small spaceships by Jason P., Alien Landscape and Pizzatron by Brian W., larger space ships by Jason P. Far right: Spaceport and other builds by Jason P.

Some of the Micro-scale castles built by John K., based on designs from, “The Lego Castle Book,” by Jeff Friesen, published by No Starch Press.
The ILUGNY display was visited by many members of the public. In addition, some distinguished visitors stopped by:

Darth Vader (who was accompanied by his theme music on a bluetooth speaker) contemplates David V.’s Iron House.

Iron Man and a Classic Space figure view each other

An Anime character graced our midst

Mario confounded by a smaller version of himself. Also pictured: member Jason P.; and mosaic “The Victory of Joy” by Elisa T.
Altogether, people had fun at our first-time display at Hauppauge Public Library. We look forward to visiting Hauppauge again in the future.