I LUG NY joined in on the fun at this year’s Cradle-Con at the Cradle of Aviation Museum in Garden City, New York on May 20th and 21st. This well attended pop-culture convention is enjoyed by many fans that are part of many different fandoms. This year’s show was attended by over 4,000 people! Star Wars was well represented by the attendees as well as Marvel, DC and anime/manga.
I LUG NY members were on hand to share their love of the brick with those in attendance. This was our first appearance at Cradle-Con and we look forward to exhibiting at this well run show next year!

The Cradle of Aviation is home to American Aviation history and in particular it spotlights Long Island’s contributions to getting humankind up into the atmosphere and beyond, even to the moon! The I LUG NY display was located in the Lunar Module Gallery. This gallery houses an actual Lunar Module that would have acompanied Apollo 19 into space but NASA scrapped missions 18-20.
We took this opportunity to display our moonbase MOCs and fleets of starships that have become a staple at I LUG NY exhibits.

Knowing we were in the Lunar Module Gallery cemented the thought that the LEGO Appollo Lunar Lander set had to be a part of our display! This was an amazing photo opportunity that couldn’t be missed. Having visited the Cradle of Aviation before, I knew about the great assortment of NASA history showcased there so I built a NASA mosaic for this show.

Those members in attendance from the LUG had a fun weekend at Cradle-Con and can’t wait to share our passion for building with LEGO with with the thousands of attendees there next year on May 18th and the 19th!