On Tuesday, March 4th, I LUG NY members installed their latest LEGO Movie creations in the LEGO Store at the Queens Center Mall. I LUG NY members Bert, Brian, Cody, Murphy, Rick and Will met up at the mall for dinner at Applebee’s to celebrate Rick’s birthday! The staff at Applebee’s serenaded Rick and shortly after he finished his ice cream we headed over to the LEGO Store to swap out models for the LUG Showcase. We were treated fantastically and the models were received positively as they tie in with the run away hit movie.
The window features Micro Managers built by Brian (MM on roof of far right building), Rick (MM gluing minifig on street), Will (tall bipedal MM on right), and Murph (all other MM). Will built the MILSified street and Rick built the I LUG NY Logo LUG Showcase Stand. The backdrop of the scene is comprised of 4 modular buildings built by Brian that are either inspired by the official LEGO set #10218, “Pet Shop” or buildings in the real world.
These models will be on display through March of 2014 so stop by the Queens LEGO Store to check them out!